Lavinia Kell Parker

What does your composition process look like? How do you start writing?

The actual writing is one of the last steps for me. Composition takes a lot of time and “headspace” for me to structure. It involves many things that might not seem like writing. Basic tasks (such as walking our dog), help me to find the inherent rhythm and flow of my ideas. I crave quiet solitude in order to hear and capture sparks of creation. I sketch the form and harmonic framework before inputting into notation programs on my computer. Once I have a clear vision of the work (and a deadline) the final step is often an adrenaline filled race to the “finish line.”

Who are some of your current musical inspirations?

The fierce vision and bold soundscapes of Sofia Gubaidulina (now 92!) continue to challenge me. When I was a student with required music history listening, she was the only living woman composer the list. I wrongly assumed that this “christian woman composer”, would write “pretty church music.” Discovering her catalogue upended this inherent bias and opened a world of possibility. 

When did you first start composing?

As a kid, I definitely did not know that I had the option of writing out my ideas. I was in constant trouble for “making things up” in piano lessons. One of my earliest memories was riding in the tractor with my father, putting my head against the glass of the cab and feeling the drone within me. I remember singing along with the tractor drone and feeling so alive with the excitement of creation. I think that all kids have this instinct and I believe we are all music makers.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

My kids are becoming young adults with their own ideas and interests. I love the energy that this brings to our relationship and try to spend as much time with them as I can. 

Tell us about your experience with the Composer INC. What are some things you are looking forward to?

The encouragement to write anything and the support needed to bring these ideas to completion is both terrifying and liberating. I can't wait to meet the ensemble and hear Allegra bring this work to life. I am also completely humbled by the opportunity to work with Rodney Sharman. He has this enormous depth of wisdom and yet is so kind and unassuming. Meeting with him has been a gift. Thank you Allegra and Composer INC. for this wonderful experience.


Michelle Lorimer


Western Canadian Music Award