Michelle Lorimer

Who are some of your current musical inspirations?

Honestly, I think that two of my recent musical examples and inspirations have been my composition profs - Kevin Wilks Lau and Becca Pellett - both really incredible and accomplished composers & orchestrators, who have modelled curiosity and versatility in their work and approach to composition, and also such professionalism & respect as they work with others in the industry.

What does your composition process look like? How do you start writing? 

I usually write in response to something - an idea, an image, a scene from a film when scoring for film/media, a poem, a prompt or a story. Any of these things often acts as the starting point - and from there, I feel I'm in a process of inquiry and experiment, just aiming to best evoke what I'm seeing, hearing and feeling, in a way that feels authentic to my experience or encounter -- or, in the case of film -- in a way that stays true to the elements and intent of the scene. I usually begin the composing process with free improvisation & sketching, drawing ideas and arcs out on paper, or playing spontaneously under a scene, experimenting with chords and rhythm, until something seems to stick or emerge.

When did you first start composing? 

I think since I was a child, age 10 or so... jingles, then melodies, then choruses and songs that we'd sing in church. I'm also really grateful to a harmony/counterpoint prof at the Royal Conservatory in Toronto, Dr. Anthony Dawson, who taught all that material with such passion & delight, as a composer -- he really awoke in me the desire to compose, and encouraged my interest in it.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love to garden, to play the guitar & piano, to help with music and worship in our faith community, to read, to go on long walks in nature, and to spend time with my family & cats.

Tell us about your experience with the Composer INC. What are some things you are looking forward to. 

I'm grateful for the chance to be a part of the Composer INC cohort this year. I was first chosen as an alternate, and as such, able to join in on some of the PD sessions. I especially enjoyed the session on composition process given by Dorothy Chang. Then in May, when presented with the possibility of composing for the Allegra ensemble, I began to work with Alice on getting a piece ready to go for the reading and performance! Our sessions have been helpful and focused on developing something good for the tight deadline/ turnaround (so true to the norm of working in this industry) -- and she's been enthusiastic, insightful and efficient! Really excited to hear the ensemble perform our pieces!

Fun Facts

  1. Dream travel destination is Italy

  2. My dream job at 5 years old was a pianist

  3. My favorite ice cream flavor is pistachio


Lavinia Kell Parker