Snow Diao

What does your composition process look like? How do you start writing?

I really enjoy working with pencil and paper, and that’s how I usually start whenever I begin a new project. My ideas come in different forms; they can either be musical notes or just a scribble that describes the feeling of the idea. They can sometimes be represented by certain colors, or sometimes just a vague shape of a section. Drawing all those ideas from my head onto a large piece of paper gives me almost no limitations.

Who are some of your current musical inspirations?

I would say Hildegard Westerkamp is one of the people who inspired me the most. Her sensitivity to sounds and her ability to work them into a piece are always fascinating to me. Another person is Rita Ueda, who is also my mentor in Allegra’s Composer INC. Her music broadened my imagination so much, and I learned that nothing should stop me from expressing my creativity.

When did you first start composing?

If playing around and improvising little tunes on a piano keyboard counts, then I started when I was around 7 years old! Before I knew how to notate music on manuscript paper, I usually sang the melody out or played them on the piano and recorded them. The first time I actually had a complete piece composed was around 2020.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

In my spare time, I like to make bullet journals, drawing, reading, and birding. I also enjoy cooking and baking, and spending time with my cat!

Tell us about your experience with the Composer INC. What are some things you are looking forward to?

Allegra is one of the best workshops I have ever been to. They have great mentors who guide me along the way and help me with many things. Additionally, the supportive musicians and the conductor, Janna, do everything they can to help me achieve what I want to convey in my piece. I really appreciate having this opportunity to freely explore and expand my creativity! I’m looking forward to the rehearsals and, of course, the concert on June 20th!

Fun Facts!

  1. My dream travel destination is Japan! I‘m hoping to travel there sometime in the next 10 years

  2. I wanted to be a fashion designer when I was little, and I have drawn tons of different clothes and dresses (lost all of them unfortunately), and even made clothes myself for my barbies.

  3. My favorite animals are CAT OF COURSE! I also love birds, and hamsters!


Western Canadian Music Award